Newington Kiwanis Flea Market

Since the fall of 1992, our club has run a weekly Sunday flea market in the spring and fall that raises thousands of dollars each year that is donated back to the community through grant donations and scholarship awards. In addition to being a fundraiser, the flea market is a great, ongoing community event enjoyed by hundreds of area residents for up to 20 weeks each year.

Money is raised at the flea market in two ways. Vendors pay $15 or more for space in the lot each Sunday that we are open. Additionally, adult shoppers are asked to each chip in a one-dollar admission donation to enter the flea market area.

The spring flea market starts the last Sunday in April (unless it coincides with Easter) and continues each Sunday through the end of June. The fall flea market begins the last Sunday in August and continues through the end of October.

The flea market is open to shoppers 8 am – 2 pm and is located in the Constitution Square Municipal Parking lot at Market Square near Ming Moon Restaurant.

Click to see our Facebook page: Newington Kiwanis Flea Market
